AerospacePonteSor UniversityPortalegre SeaportSines LogisticSines AerospaceGrandola LogisticVendasNovas UniversityBeja ScienceEvora AerospaceEvora UniversityEvora AerospaceBeja AirportBeja Alqueva Logistic
Alentejo is today a region with an integrated network of infrastructures, with excellent quality, modern and with available capacity. Through emerging research skills, advanced training and highly qualified human resources, it is possible to meet the challenges for setting up companies in sectors of high technological intensity and innovation.

The cooperation between the various industrial accelerators in the Alentejo sector, associated to a renewed logistics network, is a major factor, emphasizing  the possibilities for an integrated development of the current and future actors of the sector, with a synergistic and knowledge sharing perspective.

There is an evident predisposition and technical preparation of the regional economic agents, especially in the municipalities and interface organisms, in order to create all the conditions of excellence for the reception of investments in the region.
Aerospace Park
Alentejo Science and Technology Park
Alqueva Multipurpose System
Deep-Water Seaport
Industrial and Logistics Park
Logistics Park